Ahhhh, home again! After the moving day from Hell, my stuff is finally in the new house...Thanks to Brandon and my Dad for a lot of heavy lifting. This was the longest weekend ever, by far the most driving.
Rich inherited all of my food. Now he can have his sisters over for dinner and actually have something to eat and stuff to eat it on. Hahaha
So Friday I went to pick up keys and they weren't there, then Saturday I woke up early and went to get a copy of the keys made and entered the house to find it in complete disarray and covered in dust. Apparently, I'm not the only med student that neglects their cleaning.
After we finally moved out the current tenants' stuff and rearranged furniture that wasn't supposed to be there, it started to rain in the middle of moving....and Hershey Pantry ran out of Chocolate cake w/ PB icing. It was a bad day.
I did get the update on what I'll be doing this summer:
*Focus groups on ARV and economic impact
*Talking with young kids and teens on if/how/when they decided to disclose their HIV+
serostatus to schoolmates and peers
*Talking with Parents on the barriers to secondary education for their children
*Shadowing/helping at the clinic each morning
*making home visits and house calls with the staff
*helping with the kids/teen support group and counseling sessions
*attending adult support group sessions
*African Children's Day! June 16th(?): it's a country wide carnival to celebrate families,
especially the kids with HIV, so I'll be helping teens run games, face painting, and making
sure everyone gets plenty to eat (don't worry, I won't be cooking)
This summer looks packed! I can't wait to finally get there! Next Friday will be my last day in the States for a while. Then it's back to PA to figure out this apartment mess...